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Family Night: Cooking Together


The weather today is all over the place here so plans for any outdoor family night activities are out.  So I’ve been trying to think all morning what would my activity options for tonight would be … and I don’t have any.

This weekend, however, we had a great baking weekend so we may continue that through tonight.  We made:

Tres Leches

Hawaiian Haystacks (gravy is pictured)

Breadsticks (raising) with seasoning

In the past week, we also made the most delicious Mac & Cheese, sugar wafers to make Nutty Bars, and Chile Relleno Casserole.

Tonight, I’m thinking we’ll make an Alfredo or quiche.  And maybe we’ll make some cookies as a family!

DLM: The Stroller


A Day in the Life of a Mom (DLM) is going to be my new Friday posts.  A lot happens to us each week and I’d love to reflect on them for you.

Over three years ago, my husband, then boyfriend of three months, sold his car and we began sharing my car.  I thought it was a bit risky since his work was about a 45-60 minute walk from where we lived but lucky for him, we ended up getting married a year later and he never had to worry about getting another car.  Now that I am a stay-at-home mom and he works 15-20 minutes away by car, he takes the car everyday so I have to find ways to entertain my daughter and I without a car.

Recently we moved to a new location and I’ve found that the stroller has become our best friend and our enemy is the weather.  We live near a local grocery store now and including waiting for a traffic light to cross a major street, it only takes a maximum of 5 minutes to walk there!  So we grab the stroller and head over there when we need foods for our lunch or dinner.  We have also been to local parks and schools/playgrounds.

Yesterday we spent the day at another residence while loud hammering was being done in the remodeling of the basement and once again, the stroller saved us!  The local grocery store was just a couple of minutes away, as well as a lot of fast food restaurants.

Today, with the wonderful weather, I had great plans to see how far we could make it to the city library by walking without getting tired but unfortunately, my husband took the stroller with him in the car.

And today was the first day I have realized how important the stroller is to us in our lives.  It gets us to places we need to go and it gives us a good pass time everyday to get us out of the house.  We also get a lot of good exercise and vitamin D from all the walks we get to take.

(This week we will be cutting our 10-month old’s hair – possibly 1-2 inches!  Check back next week to see how many tears were shed … by me.)

What’s For Dinner, Mac & Cheese


Mac & Cheese was a childhood favorite of mine and I was craving it yesterday so that’s what we had for dinner.  I found this recipe from The Pioneer Woman and was the most wonderful macaroni I’ve ever had.

The Vivint Givesback Project


Vivint is giving money to charities who are making a good influence on society.

There are two parts to this project:  the first is the endorsing to find the top 20 most endorsed charities which will end on June 11, 2011.  The second phase is the voting.  This phase will go from June 14 – August 27, 2011.  The top charity will receive $250,000 and the remaining charities will each receive $100,000.

As you can imagine, for a non-profit organization, this is a huge amount of needed money to help keep their program running.  And it is so simple to help the charity of your choice – you can only vote for one charity per region each day.  But make sure you vote each day to make your votes count!

I realize that there are a lot of great organizations out there but there are two that are close to my heart – so please let me suggest them:

  • 4-H Mentoring:  a program that helps at-risk youth socially, academically, and helps promote their self-esteem
  • United Angels Foundation:  a program that helps and supports parents who have special needs children

Make sure you “endorse” each day until June 11 and then vote everyday until August 27!

Free Bowling for Kids at Miracle Bowl


Kids can bowl free at Miracle Bowl this summer from now until September 15!  Just sign up at and adults can even get a pretty good deal for bowling as well!

For other locations for free bowling, check out

Family Night: Feeding Ducks


This past weekend, we headed to the little pond just south of campus with a bag full of stale crackers and cereals.  There were about 15-20 baby ducks and we even saw 6 turtles!  The pond is located at about 600 E. 800 N. in Provo.

Next time I think we will head to Nielsen’s Grove Park in Orem to its pond to feed the ducks.

Spring Fling, Hee Haw Farms


Hee Haw Farms’ Spring Fling is ending this weekend on April 30.  It runs from 12-7 pm.  Admission is $5 for ages 3 and older.  This is a free event for anyone 2 and under!

Admission includes the opportunity to pet the animals, a hayride, an animal train, hay jump, pony rides, and planting your own sunflower to take home with you.

Hee Haw Farms
150 South 2000 West
(801) 368-4335

Baby Potty Training


I recently read an article on KSL about potty training.  It reminded me of all the diaper woes we have had these past 9 months of my child’s life and how I don’t want to be changing diapers for the next 2 years.

See, first we bought lots of disposable diapers but there were major problems with them including rashes without diaper creams and the crazy cost each month of buying the diapers.  To prevent any leaking or blowouts, whenever we realized she was going, we would stand her up and say, “go potty.”  Eventually she learned to go standing up and would fuss if we didn’t stand her up to go.

Back when she was only a month or two old, I learned about infant potty training.  I bought a couple of books and a little toilet.  I really wanted to start training her when she was about 3 1/2 months old but I sat her on the toilet once and she screamed.  It was terrifying to her so I never tried again.  Plus at the time, I was working so I really was not able to be consistent with her.

Then just a couple of months ago my husband decided to start sitting her on her toilet when she needed to go because it would be tough to stand for the rest of her life whenever she needed to eliminate.  So each time she began to fuss to let us know she needed to stand up to go, we would sit her on her toilet instead.

She is now 9 1/2 months old and almost every time we sit her on her toilet, she pushes to try to eliminate.  In fact, she hates to poop in her diaper.  She will hold it in as long as she can.

So what did we do to get our 9 month old to go on a toilet?

First, we recognized our daughter every time she was going by saying “go potty.”  Second, we sat her on her toilet every time we changed her diaper at home.  Third, while sitting on her toilet, we make it a fun time with peek-a-boo and nursery rhymes mixed with holding her hands so she can focus on pushing.  Fourth, whenever she does go into her toilet, we are full of praise and tell her how big she is.

Hopefully these things will help potty train our little girl early and save us some diaper changes!

Aubrey’s Angels Team, Walk With Angels



The Walk With Angels is exactly one month away.

One worry that I had while pregnant was the idea of having a special needs child.  So far there is no sign of any disability in her.  I’ve come to realize that although my baby made it out of my belly safely, there is still the possibility of a disability showing up.  But the stories from the parents of these special angels gives me hope that even if one day we have a special needs child, they will be such a blessing in our lives.

Read the Leck’s story.

Sleeping Woes, a day in the life of a mom


We woke up sicker this morning.  We’ve been progressively getting worse over the past few days and I’m pretty sure it’s because of our lack of sleep.  Our babe’s sleeping habits have been awful lately.  Two nights ago she was awake from 2-5 am which means so were we.

Yesterday just sort of passed us by because we were so exhausted.  Not only that, but the babe was exhausted as well.  She was so grumpy all day and nothing made her happy except for going to the mall so she could wave and point to all the kids there.

In fact, she was so tired that she went to bed just after 8 pm which she hasn’t done in over a month.  It was amazing!  We all got plenty of sleep and although we feel slightly tired still from two nights ago, hopefully now we’ll be able to get over our sickness!

I really hope after this whole teething thing, she starts sleeping longer at nights.  Although, I’m sure that something else will happen after that – it’s just how it seems to go.

Blobby Farm


Back when I was in high school, my friend’s sister and husband created these things called “Blobbys.”  They came from a combination of his doodles and her great sewing skills.  As a teenager, I didn’t think they were as cute as I do now that I am a mom.  And boy are they cute!  Plus since she makes them all, they are unique and she only makes so many of each one.

If you are looking for a cute gift or toy for your own, take a look at the Blobby Farm!

*This is a non-paid review.

The Community Food Co-op


The Food Co-op is:

“It’s a simple idea, really – provide quality, healthy food at a substantial savings through cooperative purchasing; and build a sense of community by promoting volunteer service that brings people together.

The Community Food Co-op is for everyone. Whether you are struggling to meet your basic food needs or are just looking for a way to share in community, you can be part of this simple exchange: giving and receiving.”

On Saturday I went to the Community Action building in Provo to pick up my produce share – cantaloupe, apples, oranges, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, avocados, and cauliflower.  It was great!  Quality food, a cheaper price for all the food ($10 for each produce share), and the Food Co-op encourages service.  They only require 2 hours of service each month which you can also fulfill through their program.

The Food Co-op is only available once a month in the middle of the month.  There are also specific locations to pick up the food each time at a location nearest you.

I have also tried a Bountiful Basket but for just a little family of 3, it was way too much food and we shared with our neighbors.  They both are great but for now, I prefer the Food Co-op.

*This is a non-paid review.

Tonight’s Family Night


Tonight we are joining 4-H Mentoring for their family night out doing an Easter Egg Hunt!  I love that 4-H Mentoring offers so many free activities for those who are involved in the program!

We will also be eating a fresh salad with the good fruits and vegetables we received from the Food Co-op and we will be heading to Smith’s to get 20 cents off of our gasoline (Smith’s has been offering 20 cents off/gallon for their gasoline ending possibly today – I’m not sure).

Swaddling at 9 Months, a day in the life of a mom


Our 9-month old babe has been having a really hard time going to sleep at bed time recently.  Although she has not been swaddled for about three months, my husband decided to swaddle her up last night after an hour and a half of complaining and crying.  She complained for a few minutes and then fell asleep.  Not only that but she slept the entire night swaddled and slept 30 minutes longer than she has lately.

I am surprised that swaddling worked for our 9-month old!  Maybe that’s just what she needed – a little comforting swaddle to help get her through the night.  Or maybe she was just tired enough to finally fall asleep.  I guess we’ll never know.

Learn and Earn


Kumon and Scholastic have teamed up together for your kids to have the opportunity to earn free books.  There are just 3 pages to download to fill out and then you can send in your request for the free books.  So easy and so worth it!

Family Night: Picnic


Every week, my husband and I like to do a little family night.  With this Utah weather, it has been pretty hard to plan too many things outside because although it may seem like good weather in the morning, it may not be good by the evening.  This week, however, it was still warm when he got home from work.

I made some homemade pizza (I like to use this crust and add cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, green peppers, and tomatoes), we grabbed some chips and water, a frisbee, and a blanket.  Then we headed to a local park.  It was so much fun and so great to spend some time together as a little family.

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