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Love & Logic


Love and Logic is a way of teaching and working with kids.  If you have not read the book or taken classes, I would highly recommend it.  We have begun implementing this kind of teaching and working at my work and the results I have seen are very impressive.

Last weekend, I was talking with a friend who is student teaching and will get her degree soon.  She mentioned that those who come to watch her are strict with her about being strict with children.  This girl is one of the kindest, sweetest girls I have ever met and I definitely cannot ever imagine her being very strict.

We discussed Love & Logic a little bit and a few things that might help her when she student teaches which has been very effective with working with kids for me.  Here are a few things I’ve learned:

  • If you make a rule, you have to follow through.
  • You cannot back down at any point or else the children may believe that if they push hard enough, you may back down.
  • Don’t embarrass the kid by calling them out on something they’ve done wrong in front of others.  Instead, take them aside, whisper to them, or let them know you’ll talk to them later.
  • Respect the kids.

It takes quite a bit of practice to follow through with the Love & Logic way without reverting back to the old ways of doing things, but once you have it down, it’s amazing how much more the kids listen and respect you and the rules.


Should I Be Vaccinated?


My normal part-time job leads me to pass the Utah County Health & Justice Building every time I go to work.  For the past many weeks I have passed this little white sign with black lettering that shows where to go to the Flu Clinic.

My husband and I made plans a couple months ago to get our flu shots, especially since we have a new baby and we don’t want her to get sick.  But each week passed with us forgetting to go.  Well, now it’s December.  The flu season picks up around this time so we have a pretty good chance of getting it, well, I do at least.

Normally each year, I start getting sick in September and I don’t really get better until April.  Last year was the first time that this didn’t happen and I’m beginning to think it’s because I haven’t been as stressed since I haven’t been in school.

So the question is, how important are flu shots really?  Important enough that we should rush to the Health & Justice Building as soon as possible to get our shots or will we make it through the flu season just fine without them?


Pirate Island


I recently went to Pirate Island in Orem.  It’s a restaurant that is pirate themed.  It contains an arcade and every Wednesday morning at 11 am they hold activities and a story time for kids.  The restaurant is a fun place to be, their food is okay (and a little more expensive than I was hoping for), and every waiter and waitress speaks like a pirate, which in my opinion, is the best part of going there.

Every Monday night, Pirate Island has a family game night and each Thursday night is karaoke night.

If you are looking for somewhere that your kids might be interested in, I would check out Pirate Island.




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