A Day in the Life of a Mom of a One Year Old

Preface:  It seems like just yesterday was July 6, 2010.  I was sitting around at home, trying to avoid all the work I needed to get done. ...

Stepping It Up

I recently read (and by "read," I mean skimmed because I have a hard time reading an entire article) an article on ksl.com about fathers stepping up...

A Day in the Life of a Mom … on vacation

My husband, almost one-year old, and I returned home from a short vacation last night.  It was much needed and especially after turning down going to the...


One year ago I would have never thought I would be doing the things I do - making things, baking things, using cloth diapers ... and now? ...

DLM: From Part-time to Full-time

As a new soon-to-be mother and then a new mother but still working part-time, I wondered what full-time stay-at-home moms did all day.  I couldn't even imagine...

DLM: Babers the Explorer

To begin, in case you don't know what a "babers" is, it's my daughter.  As I understand, most significant others call each other "babe" or "baby" or...

DLM: The Up and Down Game

I look at all these little newborns and how they just lay so nicely in their parent's arms.  I mean, it was just a few months ago...

From Disposable to Cloth to Disposable

Back in January, we began our journey with cloth diapers (CD).  It was a little tough at first to understand how long I can let them go...

DLM: Cutting My 10-Month Old’s Hair

My day in the life of a mom (DLM): Before   During   The Remains We did it.  We cut our 10-month old's hair on Sunday.  It was a lot tougher to do...

DLM: The Stroller

A Day in the Life of a Mom (DLM) is going to be my new Friday posts.  A lot happens to us each week and I'd love...

Baby Potty Training

I recently read an article on KSL about potty training.  It reminded me of all the diaper woes we have had these past 9 months of my...

Sleeping Woes, a day in the life of a mom

We woke up sicker this morning.  We've been progressively getting worse over the past few days and I'm pretty sure it's because of our lack of sleep....

Swaddling at 9 Months, a day in the life of a mom

Our 9-month old babe has been having a really hard time going to sleep at bed time recently.  Although she has not been swaddled for about three...

Lack of Sleep, a day in the life of a mom

My husband claims it's because of teething.  I think she just hates me that much.  Okay, not hates ... just feels like I actually like to get...

Running in Place

A few months ago, my husband and I were once again into the Wii Fit - playing all the time and getting a good workout.  My husband...

Dropping Naps

My babe has decided she doesn't want to sleep anymore.  I'm not sure why but she won't take naps anymore.  Her average is about an hour a...

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