I will admit, I have yet to experience any infertility problems.  In fact, I have been very blessed with a beautiful daughter.  But I have been thinking a lot about infertility recently.  Because what do I say to all of my friends and neighbors who are struggling with these issues?  Not that C. Jane gave me any answers, but the whole article gave me solace anyway.  It gave me a glimpse into that world.  It helped me to understand more about infertility.

I would recommend reading the post yourself, but in case you don’t have time, here are some of her thoughts in her own words:

“This past week I was asked by Studio 5 to be a guest on their Sensitivity Training segment. They asked me to speak about how to talk to someone experiencing infertility. During the interview I said a phrase I didn’t get to really explain “there’s light at the end of the tunnel.” It sounds so cliche and trite out of context. I didn’t mean conception.

“I meant: the light at the end of the tunnel comes when the light inside of yourself illuminates who you really are, and what you’re really capable of.

“That’s when infertility becomes less about having a baby in your arms and more about gratitude for having experienced it.”