When the seasons change, I’m ready for new clothes and knowing that this year, we don’t have a lot of money for me to splurge on clothes is making me even more excited for new, warm clothes.
I’m the kind of person who likes to wear anything but jeans. Jeans are so restricting.
Actually, at one staff training a few years ago, my boss gave us a lecture on how we should only wear jeans to our job. By wearing skirts, dresses, and nice pants, we were making ourselves seem better than the people we worked with and that was bad (as I worked with low-income people). I’m pretty sure that whole speech was for me. So I forced myself to wear jeans and hated every single minute of it.
However, I no longer work for that organization and just work for myself and my family so I wear dresses and skirts all the time.
I did a little online window shopping and here were some looks that I loved for my Fall Style:
Love the purple and black and the maxi length for the cold winter months here in Utah.

You can find fall essentials for women at zulily! and more! I love shopping there for my little girl and boy and they have some adorable maternity clothes. It almost makes me wish I was pregnant just so I could buy some of the clothes … almost.