For those of you who are wanting a garden but don’t have space (or don’t want to create one), you can rent a garden plot at one of the five Community Action gardens for Provo’s Community Garden. The garden plots are 4 ft x 15 ft with 4 inches of walkway between each plot. Each renter will be responsible for watering, weeding, and general maintenance of their own plot, however, water and tools will be provided! Even better? Each plot is only $15 for the entire season!

If you are interested in renting a garden plot or would like to request additional information regarding the program, please contact Kyle by calling 801-691-5207 or by email at [email protected].

Garden locations:
South Franklin Community Center Garden (770 S. 700 W.)
North Park Neighborhood Garden (690 N. 100 W.)
Franklin South Garden (700 S. 300 W.)
Franklin Park Garden (100 S. 1050 W.)
Tye Rae Garden (N. 950W.)

Basic gardening classes will also be available to anyone.


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